Friday, January 14, 2005


I published this post with w:bloggerw:bloggar which is a little blogging client that supports the Blogger API.


I wonder if any of the domino based blog things could support it?

All: "Hey but we've got the Notes client you fool monkey boy!"

Oh yeah, still ... shame.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Letter Writing

I have decided to start writing letters again; just with a pen and paper, no computers; I may even invest in some headed paper. For no reason really, just to see if I can get a reply from the great and the good. All done in the style of the great Spike Milligan.

My enthusiasm was reinforced by the discovery of an old letter I had written to the Time Out letters page. One of their columnists had been moaning about children in restaurants, so I decided to complain. Suprisingly I was published, see if you can spot my letter below.

How does this site work?

This site is published using Blogger. Blogger is a free online blogging thing which is owned by Google. When you set up a blog you can publish it for free on their own servers or use you own space. Using you own space is better because you can upload you own images, as I often do.

Using your own space is easy as you just add some FTP details in to the blogger setup pages and Blogger FTPs it for you when you add a post. You can choose from some rather pleasant "look-and feels" too.

For sometime Blogger did not provide comments and as a result a whole host of third party "comment providers" sprang up; I use squawkbox. Squawkbox host your comments and let you ban trolls and stuff. Their site tends to go down a fair bit but they are still preferable to Blogger's new comment feature, which requires logins and guff. I have written a replacement comment thing in JSP/JSTL but I am not sure if I can be arsed to put it live.

The links on the left hand side are provided by Blogrolling. They provide a repository to store you links and prioritise them. Adding them to the site is done by simple adding a javascript library to the Blogger template.

The search box in the top right hand corner is provided by google and just searches this site.

Other bits like the odd form are provided by my own isp.

Cheap as chips.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Spug 'the hat' McChutney ...

I saw this picture on the front of the bbc news site:

and immediately thought of this picture (I had to flip it in photoshop first).

I think Ronnie is the spit of Gordon Brown and there is the wiff of Reggie's menace in Tony too.

Yoooo Slag

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