Thursday, September 23, 2004

Rule 689: Watch out for those break statements Eugene.

Ladies and gentlemen the break statement (known as Billy) marked in bold below was not in this afternoon. We have reason to believe that he was hiding in the stationary cuboard. His absence has caused all manner of problems; obviously the fact that the code fell thru his case to the TEXT_TYPE below but perhaps more importantly led directly to Monkey Programmer Boy climbing on the roof and singing songs from Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals.

In his defence he argues that he was never there in the first place and he is just a victim of rank bad programming by someone who should have never been taken off dBase III.

No one believes him tho.

switch(currentQuestion.getType()) {

case SurveyQuestion.NUMBER_TYPE :
pdaNumberUI = new PDANumberUI(this, currentSurvey) ; ;
break ;

case SurveyQuestion.TEXT_TYPE :

pdaTextUI = new PDATextUI(this , currentSurvey) ; ;
break ;

case SurveyQuestion.RADIO_TYPE :
pdaRadioUI = new PDARadioUI(this , currentSurvey) ; ;
break ;

case SurveyQuestion.COMBO_TYPE :

pdaTextUI = new PDATextUI(this, currentSurvey) ; ;
break ;

case SurveyQuestion.CHECKBOX_TYPE:
pdaCheckBoxUI = new PDACheckBoxUI(this, currentSurvey) ; ;
break ;

case SurveyQuestion.LISTBOX_TYPE :
pdaRadioUI = new PDARadioUI(this, currentSurvey) ; ;
break ;

case SurveyQuestion.MESSAGE_TYPE :
pdaMessageUI = new PDAMessageUI(this, currentSurvey) ; ;
break ;


Tales from terrible student summer jobs: The W@nker on the van

Bruce Hornsby and the range boomed out again over the loudspeakers. "That's the way it is, some things will never change." It was the fifth time that GWR had played the song and it certainly didn't help time pass on the night shift; still, it was better than the endless phone-ins.

3AM in the warehouse somewhere in Swindon, 1985; Vacuum cleaners, fridges and spin dryers stacked higher than a house; a Manhattan made of white goods.

I'm in the back of van with Colin and my acne, waiting for Brian to return with a forklift full of electrical appliances. Silence. More silence.

At last, after three hours of pretending I wasn't there, Colin waves Brian away and fixes me with a stare.

"So d'yer s'pport the Town then?".

Surprised by Colin's sudden burst of conversation I nervously reply:

"Well I've seen them once or twice I think. Ummmm it may have been two nil against Bristol City, oh no Halifax. Yes"

Colin's says nothing, but stares at me, a huge pregnant pause. After what seems like eternity, and with perfect timing, Brian returns with another load; without moving his gaze Colin shouts over his shoulder:


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Rich Client and The Workplace Charlies

Found this stuff about administering the Rich Client in Lotus Workplace. Hmmmm

Monday, September 20, 2004

Domino 7 - First Impressions

I really like the new @commands:

@command([RunWithScissors]) ;
@command([PullYourWillyBetweenYourLegsAndLookLikeALady]) ;
@command([WalkLikeAnEgyptian]) ;
@command([Chutney]) ;
@command([PlayDubReggae]) ;
@command([HideInTheToilets]) ;
@command([IWishThereWasSomethingInLotusScriptThatDidThis]) ;
@command([TalkLikeSherlockHolmes]) ;
@command([WhoPutTheBopInTheBopShooWopShoooWop]) ;
@command([WhoPutTheRamInTheRamALamADingDong]) ;

Do you think thay have missed any?

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