Friday, July 27, 2007

I didn't want to get spit on me

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Gotham city pint and posh crisps

Posted by ShoZu

I am Spugeo, I am a bit of a one

Mr. Chutney: You have a problem with authority, Mr. Spug. You believe that you are special, that somehow the rules do not apply to you. Obviously you are mistaken. This company is one of the top software companies in the world because every single employee understands that they are part of a whole. Thus if an employee has a problem, the company has a problem. The time has come to make a choice, Mr. Spug. Either you choose to do the Lotuscript from this day forward or you choose to find yourself another job. Do I make myself clear?
Spugeo: Yes, Mr. Chutney, perfectly clear.

FedEx man: Mr Spug?
Spugeo: Yeah, that's me.
FedEx man: Ok, great. Have a nice day.
Spugeo: Hello.
Morpheus: Hello Spugeo. Do you know who this is?
Spugeo: Morpheus.
Morpheus: Yes. I've been looking for you, Spugeo. I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you, but unfortunately you and I have run out of time. They're coming for you, Spugeo, and I don't know what they're going to do.
Spugeo: Who's coming for me?
Morpheus: Stand up and see for yourself.
Spugeo: What, right now.
Morpheus: Yes, now. Do it slowly. The elevator.
Spugeo: Oh shit.
Morpheus: Yes.
Spugeo: What the hell do they want from me?
Morpheus: I don't know, but if you don't want to find out I suggest you get out of there.
Spugeo: How?
Morpheus: I can guide you but you must do exactly as I say.
Spugeo: Ok.
Morpheus: The cubicle across from you is empty.
Spugeo: What if they...
Morpheus: Go, now...Stay here for just a moment. When I tell you, go to the end of the row, to the office at the end of the hall. Stay as low as you can.... Go, now.... Good. Now, outside there is a scaffold.
Spugeo: How do you know all this?
Morpheus: We don't have time, Spugeo. To your left there's a window. Go to it.... Open it. You can use the scaffold to get to the roof.
Spugeo: No way. No way. This is crazy.
Morpheus: There are two ways out of this building. One is that scaffold, the other is in their custody. You take a chance either way. I leave it to you.
Spugeo: This is insane. Why is this happening to me? What did I do? I'm nobody.... Shit.... I can't do this.

(Spug exits stage right in disgust and goes to pub with the dog)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

One night in Nailsworth

So the Truck festival was cancelled due the Biblical weather....  All back to mine to act the goat.

One night in Nailsworth

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Blackberry Email Killer Nazis

Its been well over a year since I smashed my Blackberry and I feel a lot better for it.  I was trying to break a stick for Betty the dog over my knee and I managed to whack the screen and crack it right down the middle.

Life is much better with out the bloody thing tho.  I was becoming addicted to the messages and it was all a bit like being tied to the school bully.  Since then I have moved to GMail as my email platform and with Google Docs you can work at any browser, it's fab.  Phone-wise I have a Sony K800i where I run  Google Mobile for email which is a very lovely Java ME app.

But but but I hear the crackberry herberts cry - "what about push email and the bleeps and all that?" 

I reckon, as do others, you should "go get" your email and you probably only want to do it three or four times a day.  Once you have got your head round this you can actually do some work - like do pointless blog messages for instance.  ;-)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Acoustic Voodoo Chile

Being a grumpy old bloke I tend to have a short attention span for indie herberts trotting out their latest noisy shouty music (Arctic monkeys excluded - "now then mardy bum ..." ). 

Make it swing you bastards.

This being the case it was great to see Glen Tillbrook do an acoustic set at Glastonbury.  The highlight of the set was a slightly tongue in cheek but brilliant acoustic version of Voodoo chile.

See it here



Saturday, July 14, 2007

Its a strange world

The families of the victims of Harold Shipman have reacted angrily to a song about the killer penned by convicted paedophile Jonathan King.....

From the BBC.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Glasto boots

Like if the Arctic Monkeys played Ypres

Posted by ShoZu

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